Seed Aide CoverGrow Mulching Granules 40# Bag Hydroseed

Seed Aide CoverGrow Mulching Granules 40# Bag Hydroseed


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Profile CoverGrow is an advanced technology granule made from recycled wood and cellulose fibers. Once applied and activated by water, the pellets quickly expand and disperse to provide outstanding protection and water-holding performance right where it’s needed—whether you’re spot-treating smaller bare spots or hydrospraying larger areas, CoverGrow is the easy and convenient way to establish vegetation.  With a tackifier to hold the seed in place.  

The best-performing granular mulch—period!  Faster acting.  Better growth and # ways to apply: Hydroseeding, by hand or broadcast spreading.  

Quantity on Hand: 11

Size: Default title

Product Number: #13726

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