Peak is a proven tool for growers of field corn, grain sorghum and small grains for broadleaf weed control and crop safety in spring and winter wheat and barley.
Spray corn when it is between 4 and 30” tall with surfactant.
.5 -1 oz / A common spray rate. Read and follow label directions.
57% Prosulfuron.
Peak is a selective herbicide applied after the emergence of both crop and weeds for the control of broadleaf weeds in field corn, sorghum, winter wheat, spring wheat, barley, rye, oats, triticale, proso millet, and postemergence to weeds following small grain harvest. In addition, preemergence applications can be used in some areas for broadleaf weed control in sorghum. Peak is a water-dispersible granule formulation that must be thoroughly mixed in water and applied as a spray.
Effective on pigweed, burcucumber, cocklebur, morning glory, thistle and many more weeds.
Quantity on Hand: 2
Size: Default title
Product Number: #5284