Strelius II, Helmet, Medal II EC, ME TOO LACHLOR II, Parallel Plus or Stalwart C 2.5. Expanded label so it is one product for both corn and other broadleaf crops. Read and follow label instructions. Same active ingredient as the name brand Dual II Magnum from Syngenta. Several generic brands are sold under this same item number all with the same active ingredient. Long-lasting residual control and flexible use patterns to protect crops from weed pressure all season long. Preplant surface applied, incorporated or preemergence treatment in water or liquid fertilizer solutions. Controls annual grasses and broad leaf weeds in corn, soybean, potato, cotton and many other crops. The active ingredient S-Metolachlor is taken up by the roots and shoots of emerging weeds, halting root tissue growth soon after weed germination.
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Product Number: #5280